"Satul Verde" Association
EVEHD – Engaging Volunteers In European Heritage Discovery
EVEHD - Engaging Volunteers In European Heritage Discovery

EVEHD – ENGAGING VOLUNTEERS IN EUROPEAN HERITAGE DISCOVERY The EVEHD project is a partnership between 6 European organisations that came together because of common interests in engaging volunteers to undertake a broad range of cultural patrimony research tasks. By engaging volunteers in cultural patrimony research, we seek two complimentary outcomes – empowerment of individuals through [...]

FILE – ‘Festivals for Informal Learning in Europe’
 FILE - 'Festivals for Informal Learning in Europe'

The  FILE – ‘Festivals for Informal Learning in Europe’ project brings together rural communities from Scotland, Romania and Slovenia. The 3 organisations involved in the project are: ARCH –Scotland, “Satul verde” – Romania and Društvo za ohranitev naravne in kulturne dediščine Selenca  - Slovenia. The project revolves around local festivals and celebrations that have elements [...]

Saving traditional landscapes for sustainable rural development
Saving traditional landscapes for sustainable rural development

      Between 24-28th April 2014 two members of “Satul verde” Association took part in the mobility project “Saving traditional landscapes for sustainable rural development”  at Náttúrustofa Vestfjarða, Selfoss, Iceland. The mobility project aimed to identify project ideas within the  NGO fund.  “Satul verde”  members  had meetings with  staff from The Folk Museum in Eyrarbakki ( [...]


VAST VIEW Romania The action in Romania took place between 16-25th June 2013 in the village of Rîmeț, Alba county. The main aim of the action was the building of a wooden, stone & clay house with a thatched roof. In the future this house will host the ethnographic museum of the village. Volunteers from [...]

VAST VIEW – Viking Age Skills Training – Venues, Infrastructure, Engagement, Work
VAST VIEW - Viking Age Skills Training - Venues, Infrastructure, Engagement, Work

  Type of project: LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of innovation Coordinator: Náttúrustofa Vestfjarða – Iceland Partners: Landbúnaðarháskóli Íslands (The Agricultural University of Iceland) – Iceland Stokkar og Steinar – Iceland Grampus Heritage & Training Limited – UK Moorforge -UK Bildungshaus Heideland HVHS –Germany Ed-consult – Denmark Asociatia ‘Satul verde’ – Romania VAST-VIEW addresses loss of [...]

Grundtvig Workshop – Mask making- living the Romanian village culture
Grundtvig Workshop - Mask making- living the Romanian village culture

12 adults from Cyprus, Iceland, Latvia, UK, Slovakia and Romania took part in the Grundtvig workshop that was held between 7-12 May 2012 in Sibiel.The participants made traditional Romanian masks using various recyclable  materials:wool, furs, hemp, horns, fabrics.They experimented country life in a typical Romanian village, getting an insight into Romanian culture and tradition. The [...]

TICATEC- Training in Contemporary Application of Traditional European Crafts
TICATEC- Training in Contemporary Application of Traditional European Crafts

TICATEC- Training in Contemporary Application of Traditional European Crafts – aims at adding value to traditional crafts that are at risk of being lost. In Romania we focus on making traditional Moldavian masks and on painting icons on glass. Uk students learn the secrets of making masks and painting icons with craftworkers Ioana and Ana [...]

Green Village
Green Village

  Green Village project site: www.greenvillage-europe.com Green Village (2010-2013)  This project unites  nine European countries (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Germany, Ireland, Island, Italy, Romania, Slovakia, United Kingdom ) that share common problems in their local rural areas, such as outward migration of young people, aging populations, abandonment of land, loss of traditional skills, disintegration of cultural landscape. [...]

From Trash to Fashion – Septembrie 2010
From Trash to Fashion – Septembrie 2010

From Trash to Fashion – Septembrie 2010 The project took place in Lefkara, Cyprus and it brought together young people from Cyprus, UK, Germany, Romania. They worked together for a week to create costumes from reusable materials ( plastic, paper, metal, fabrics). The costumes (over 50!) were presented in a sensational fashion show that took [...]

CHAT- Cultural Heritage &Training
CHAT- Cultural Heritage &Training

CHAT- Cultural Heritage &Training- August 2010, 2011 ‘Cultural Heritage and Training’ – ‘CHAT’ is designed for a broad range of UK-based trainers and training planners. They come from a broad range of sectors, from culture , heritage, traditional skills, crafts to art and archaeology.The objective is to exchange ideas and good practices and to develop [...]

YARF- Youth Actions for Rural Futures
YARF- Youth Actions for Rural Futures

YARF- Youth Actions for Rural Futures Period: 8- 26 Iuly 2010 Participating countries: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, UK, Romania, Slovakia Project description: 48 young people and 12 mentors from 6 countries took part in this project. The main activities (workshops, visits) took place in Aspatria ( near Carlisle), UK. The project aimed to identify the problems [...]