The “ Awakening the Green Man” project reunites partners from Europe’s rural fringes, UK, Germany, & Romania, who have come together to give adults an opportunity to learn more about their trees and forests.
Forests are particularly important in rural areas and were very connected to rural people’s identity, both providing a sense of place and a physical link between generations. In the past forests provided protection to rural people and were their main source of living, particularly those living in mountain villages, as forests provided all they needed.
The Green Man is an archetypal symbol related to trees and forests and stands for renewal, sustainability and other ‘green’ matters. Using the Green Man for this project therefore raises awareness of the importance of the relationship between trees, forests and people, and with it the project aims to highlight their environmental benefits and sustainable use to people.
Ländliche Erwachsenen Bildung (LEB) in Germany will show the cultural importance forests have had through the ages by way of discovering stories and myths behind a particular forest name. Most of these stories have been forgotten and therefore the literature circle of LEB will survey old stories, myths and legends, relating to the Dübener Heide and Fläming forest areas. With the help of the Wittenberg textile group, LEB will further enhance the forest theme through the creation of costumes, whereas its cooking group will facilitate ‘food from the forest’.
“Satul Verde” aims to highlight the importance of trees by showing their versatility with respect to timber crafts practiced in rural mountain areas. One of the main activities Satul Verde therefore leads is promoting Romanian handmade products, which will benefit the partner’s general activities. Elderly wood craft participants from isolated rural areas, will be given the opportunity to develop their training skills and to transfer their skills/knowledge to adult learners.
Single trees have been celebrated in the past, either to mark a boundary, or a meeting place, or hear people speak in its shade. Ancient trees capture people’s imagination because of their individual character; the Borrowdale Yew e.g. has become famous in its own right. However, single trees are very vulnerable to building, infrastructure or agricultural development to which many have been lost. The UK still has a wealth of ancient trees and is therefore the perfect location to celebrate their importance.
Green Man- Germany
3-8th May 2012
See full programme here.
See the action here.
Green Man- Romania
1-7th July 2012
See full programme here.
See the action here.
Project partners:
Ländliche Erwachsenenbildung Sachsen Anhalt AG Wittenberg – Germany
You can find here a collection of stories & poems that were told or created by participants in the project.
A collection of forest food recipes gathered from the 3 countries has been put together by participants. You can find it here.